We stress this annually at about this time of year (late Sept./early Oct.), but are still amazed at how many offices don’t do it. Many of your patients have unused insurance benefits that will expire on Dec. 31. A gentle reminder from you may be all that’s needed to get them back into the office to get that work done while insurance will still ...
Read MoreI am featuring Dr. Nathan Ho this week and I want to encourage you to take the time to view the YouTube video that we have included. Nathan is a client and very successful dentist. What we are showcasing this week is his turnkey system for getting and pushing reviews for your office. It works great and the fee is ridiculously low. In fact, I bet ...
Read MoreDirect referral percentages are the most important data every office should look at. This percentage is your semester grade in growth and consumerism. Failing to achieve at least a 50% referral rate is an indictment from your patients of record that they don’t like something. Believe me, low referral rates mean a slow death spiral of profit and ...
Read MoreIn the last two blog posts, I proffered the idea of going for it this year by dedicating $4,000-$5,000 a month, or about 5% of your collections, whichever is higher, to super charge your schedule and profitability. The second post posed the question: Are you marketable? I wanted to add this next addition by saying that it is the introduction to my ...
Read MoreDON’T MISS THIS RESOURCE TO DOUBLE YOUR NEW PATIENTS The most important question you should ask yourself is this: “Am I marketable?” There seems to be no shortage of sage advice and shrewd experts to sell us the next greatest marketing whatchamacallit. The trouble is that marketing needs to be measured and defined in various ways. What ...
Read MoreWe stress this annually at about this time of year (early Oct.), but are still amazed at how many offices don’t do it. Many of your patients have unused insurance benefits that will expire on Dec. 31. A gentle reminder from you may be all that’s needed to get them back into the office to get that work done while insurance will still pay for at ...
Read MoreThis is an email I received last week: Hi Mike, This may be an odd question, but I heard you reference something about attire that doctors should wear while practicing dentistry and didn’t catch your whole comment. I have always worn a shirt and tie with a smock while working, however, in the practice that I purchased the Doctor wore ...
Read MoreEvery once and a while you need to look to the past for a strategy for the present/future. Print marketing has always worked because it is the simplest example of direct response marketing. It is similar to a billboard but delivered personally to your target market. Like your signage, postcards, or newsletters, door hangers ...
Read MoreI was flying back from visiting with a coaching client and daydreaming about the marketing we have done over the last forty years in our offices. I began to smile as I remembered three strategies that I tripped over in my quest to insure never having a year that we did not increase our production (and profitability). Not only have you never heard ...
Read MoreIn 1987, Dr. Dwayne Schmidt, DDS, (1929-2013) of Cedar Rapids, IA, began the program he called Doctors with a Heart Day. That same year, after reading his book on Million Dollar practices and speaking with him after a seminar, we have had a “Free Day” every year for people in need in our city of McKinney. Initially it was a mission opportunity ...
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