We stress this annually at about this time of year (late Sept./early Oct.), but are still amazed at how many offices don’t do it. Many of your patients have unused insurance benefits that will expire on Dec. 31. A gentle reminder from you may be all that’s needed to get them back into the office to get that work done while insurance will still pay for at least a portion of it. Here are 6 letters presented in PDF format. Feel free to use any of them “as is” or cut and paste to suit yourself.
If you have any questions, just call or email.
This is how you Summit!
Max Gotcher
214-762-3117 cell
[email protected]
PS. Another thing you should have done (but again many have not) is register to join us Oct. 26-27 for MYTH BUSTERS. We will explore: how to stand out in this era of increased commoditization; a blueprint for dental practice growth and survival; stages of practice growth; Dentist vs CEO; multiple models of highly prosperous practices; adding doctors and/or locations; and much, much more.
To register and find other info and details, just follow this link: