The Summit Practice Solutions Growth Analysis Spreadsheet will provide a snapshot of where you are today. Just click this link to download the spreadsheet then save it.
The first page is just general information that should take about ten minutes to fill in. It is important that you fill in all of the areas we are asking for. What you place in the spaces provided will generate conclusions at the end of the spreadsheet. This is a “garbage in, garbage out” sort of thing. The conclusions and results depend entirely on how correctly and completely you fill in this spreadsheet.
On page two of the spreadsheet, we are looking for information from each month of the most recent 12 months. Don’t skip a month and don’t leave any of the boxes (cells) empty. This could take your front desk person about 45 to 60 minutes to fill in. Don’t forget to fill it in completely. Once you are done with the first two pages, you are done. The third page will be automatically populated with the information and conclusions from the first two pages. It would also be very helpful to see a recent practice P&L report and copies from 4-5 days of the practice schedule. This is our gift to you. There is no cost and no obligation. After we receive the information from you, we will schedule a phone call to discuss our findings. You really can make 2022 THE BEST EVER!