Occasionally you will write or say something that you think is pretty good. It’s rare, but it can happen. Even rarer is the occasion where someone else is struck by what you wrote or said. And almost never, you run into someone that quotes and reminds you that you said something decades ago that made a difference in their lives or ...
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It seems like yesterday, but I remember taking all my kids aside at 5 years of age and explaining how to make, save, and invest their money. I then gave each one a job or chores that paid about 50 cents a week. I know that’s not much, but it was also 35 years ago. With the job and the pay, I also gave them a plastic box. It was similar ...
Read MoreWe’ve all heard this statement: “Practice makes perfect”. The trouble is that it is totally false. Not one iota of truth. Dig a little deeper and you will forever know that “practice makes perfect” is a false statement that too many of us accept as common sense. In fact, the practice makes perfect idiom can destroy your ...
Read MoreOften times we fail to see our own shortcomings. You can’t see the forest for the trees. When you’re up to your neck in alligators, it’s hard to remember that your initial objective was to drain the swamp. We’ve all been there. Many go through life never finding a way out of the swamp of challenges and mediocre performance. If ...
Read MoreFor me, strolling through these axioms we are calling Michaelisms has allowed me to remember when each was formulated. Each one coming from a failure or challenge I faced over the last 50 years. In doing so, I realized that we hadn’t spoken about the very first one, that in reality was not a Michaelism. It came directly from Max, my ...
Read MoreWe’ve been knocking down a few Michaelisms (highlighted in bold print) covering a myriad of topics. It’s time to reflect on where you are and why you are not where you thought you would be. Each of these Michaelisms can stand on its own, but none of them will yield solutions and growth for your practice if you are not acting on them. It ...
Read MoreLet’s back out of details and take a 30,000-foot look at the diagram above. Michaelisms are never so true as when we look at the big picture. Decades ago, I noticed a consistent pattern in dental practices. In fact, there is a consistent pattern in life that follows ...
Read MoreAllow me to make a statement that will upset a few doctors. This statement, if it does rub you the wrong way, is hitting pretty close to home. Those that realize its truth are already on a journey to raise the bar in their practice. Those that agree with this statement are already doing well or they are in total denial. Average dentists ...
Read MoreOften times we tend to accept information based on false assumptions that lead to unintended results. Proof of concept, or even a history of success, fails to sway us to act on facts that differ from the advice on social media rife with unsupported claims by those who lack the competence or track record to even suggest advice to other ...
Read MoreI want to knock down nine quick Michaelisms concerning case presentation and the ultimate business success. Too often, we tend to overlook the obvious while chasing the herd of dentists that are just getting by. This “sheeple” attitude is following the “common place”; the things every average dentist does or fails to do, instead of ...
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