If you have made it this far and you have poised your practice for growth, interviewed and found a likely candidate, or you are the young doctor almost ready to pull the trigger on taking that job, then allow me to give you one more quick look at things you may have forgotten. I want to take time to go back and remind you of some of the myths, ...
Read MoreIt doesn’t matter if you are the owner looking for another doctor or the dentist looking for a job or partnership, we need to make sure that the time spent, along with the benchmarks we have spoken about, are already in play before we begin looking for that job or doctor. In looking, we want to make sure that both participants in this ...
Read MoreWe cannot not lose sight of “Practice Benchmarks for a well-run General Dental Practice”: I want to remind each of you of the benchmarks you should be pursuing. Lose sight of these, and you lose profit and ruin your chance at a successful transition. From a young doctor’s perspective, if the practice you are considering working with ...
Read MoreNOTE: If you are reading this without first studying the previous 3-4 articles on associateships and partnerships from the perspective of the young doctor and owner, please go to www.summitpracticesolutions.com/blog/ and use the Quick link or Search feature to access these. This will not help you without following the string of articles in their ...
Read MoreLet’s say you are with us so far, and we are on the same page. You are either a doctor looking for a job, or an owner doctor considering bringing in another dentist to the practice. You understand how this can be messed up from either party and you are still willing to go forward. There is one more area you must consider in order to have a ...
Read MoreDon’t forget that we will refer to any new doctor who will work for you in an associate relationship as a Trial Partner (TP). Remember that we do this to constantly create a cooperative culture with your new associate. I feel that the owner doctor owes it to the junior associate to educate them about the business of dentistry while listening ...
Read MoreSo, who are we really dealing with? New Graduate “concerns” can be summarized by the following list: Repayment of student loans and other debt. Most students leave dental school with $250,000 to $550,000 in school debt. This has to be issue number one in their minds. How will I be able to service this debt and make a living, ...
Read MoreThe majority of associateships or partnerships will fail. The average associateship lasts less than 24 months. From a new doctor’s perspective, your first job will last about 6 months. From the senior doctor’s perspective, why would you even think that without some trial and error, adding a doctor to your practice would work? When we ...
Read MoreConsistent growth, a successful practice, and raving fans for patients all mean that at some point each of us will need to expand and add doctors. Growth is the natural result of doing things right. Inspire your patients, improve your clinical skills, and fine tuning your leadership will always mean growth. Let’s start building your ...
Read MoreBuyer/Seller Perspectives (Senior doctors and Junior doctors): Everything affects the value and sale-ability of your practice. I believe that every business is built to ultimately sell. If this is true, then we should always move towards how to make our practice worth more, having a lower overhead, and increasing profitability while incorporating ...
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