For once, I was asked a question that I could answer with a strong black or white statement of: “absolutely”, “maybe”. Buying patients from a practice that is calling it quits “can be” a great strategy for injecting your practice with new blood. On the other hand, it also has many pitfalls that you must consider before implementing ...
Read MoreRound two of facing the undeniable consequences of not being engaged and consistent while starting early with a sound financial protocol. To get you in the mood again, click this link and take a listen: Why do lottery winners go broke? Why do we hear so many stories about professional ...
Read MoreWhile this article is primarily for young dentists looking at employment contracts, the owner doctor should take note too. We work with a lot of owner doctors and first year doctors concerning that first contract of employment. I will try to touch on a few of the big issues in this article, but the details are just as important to stage a ...
Read MoreI wrote an article not too long ago about how dentists have this phantom list of things they want to accomplish in their career. The number one item was having an associate followed closely by wanting to open a second office. I just got off the phone with a doctor who wanted that very thing. His age was right, physicality of his office would work, ...
Read MoreI have gotten so many calls in the last three months about bringing in associates that I’ve lost count. I thought I would point out a few of the “can’t win strategies” that I have seen. Before we start, let me assure you that I am whole heartedly for growing your practice to the point that you need another doctor, so that you can expand ...
Read MoreEditor’s Note: Mike received this letter (unsolicited) via email a couple of weeks ago. He suggested sending it out in the weekly blog as an encouragement to all our faithful readers. Congratulations to Dr. Niemi and our thanks for his willingness to share. MG Success Story I purchased Michael Abernathy’s “The Roadmap to Wealth & ...
Read MoreSurviving your first associate/potential partner is fraught with hundreds of twists and turns. One of the easiest ways to avoid these pitfalls that lead to failed associateships 93% of the time is to begin with the end in mind. I am actually writing this article as a way to discuss what I see in many offices, but to mainly help an Endo practice ...
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