Re: Patient: Policy: Insured: Treatment Dates —– Prep:___________ Seat:____________ Amount: Dear Director of Claims: It is our understanding that this claim was denied pursuant to your decision that the care given was not dentally necessary. The explanation of benefits did not give adequate information to establish the accuracy of ...
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I seem to run into more and more dentists who will hire an associate doctor or other employee as an “independent contractor”. My advice has always been: “There is no way you are going to be able to meet the standard of independent contractor with the IRS”. I was recently challenged on this point again at a seminar I was giving ...
Read MoreThe Feel, Felt, Found Method The feel, felt, found method is an excellent way to deal with patient objections. It works equally well with concerns about fees, excessive fears, or concerns about being able to schedule appointments. The good part about this method is that it acknowledges your patients’ concerns and then handles ...
Read MoreThe simple answer is: pay them on commission. But of course this “simple answer” leads immediately to more questions. What is the percentage number? Is this a percentage of production or collection? Gross or net? What do you include? What do you exclude? If the office has a bonus plan, does the hygienist participate in addition ...
Read MoreAllow me to distill the benefits of a Purpose Driven Practice into four short thoughts. When I was young, I loved to play with a magnifying glass. On a sunny day you could focus the lens on a piece of tissue paper and it would magicallyerupt in flames. However, it would only work if you would move the magnifying glass the proper distance ...
Read MoreFew areas in Dentistry are as important as your ability to assemble a great staff. It takes even more skills to turn that “group” into a team. Truly the “practice” of Dentistry has become the “business” of dentistry. Leadership, systems, delegation, rewards, and consequences are just a few key elements. Each is like a piece ...
Read MoreI have had it explained to me how easy it should be for my doctors to seat my crowns. My favorite explanation came from none other than Dr. Mike Abernathy himself. He put it to me in a way that I could not possibly have misunderstood, sports. “I should be able to hook shot it across the room and it should hit nothing but net”. Having ...
Read MoreFor nearly 20 years, I have read many articles about our profession but this is my first one to write. Our consultant, Dave Rutty from Summit Practice Solutions, called me last week and said, “Do you realize your production is up 20% this year and you had your best month ever in June?” In June, we produced $239,000 and collected $229,000. Both ...
Read MoreEvery couple of weeks someone prepares a payroll for your office. Every month someone pays the bills, and as owner you get to take what’s left. This commonplace occurrence tends to mislead doctors and team members into thinking they were hired to do a particular job and that if they do it with excellence, they will be richly rewarded. ...
Read MoreThis is the year someone is staying and someone is leaving in Washington. It will get better, or it won’t. It’s happened before, and it will happen again. The problem is, every time it happens you start trying to figure out what to do. Back in 1985 I built a new building with 10 ops. We had almost 4,000 square feet to fill with new ...
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