This is the first installment of a series that will be coming to you twice per week over the next several weeks. During these unprecedented times, we want to help dentists everywhere be looking forward and making firm plans to take their practice(s) to new heights when our lives finally do begin to get back to some semblance of “normal”. But it is very likely to be a “new normal” and require some significant changes in the way you approach the business of dentistry. We want you to be ready to OPTIMIZE every aspect of your practice and make the most of every opportunity throughout the rest of this year and beyond.
On Monday you should have received an email from us entitled HOW TO PLAY THE GAME. If you missed that, just let me know and I will get it to you. One of the things recommended in that email was to download a copy Mike’s book entitled THE SUPER GENERAL DENTAL PRACTICE. In this and many of the upcoming emails in this series, you will be directed to specific chapters to expand upon the video content provided. If you still need to download the book, just click here.
The topic for the video today is BUDGETING. To access the video, just click here.
After viewing the video, you will find additional related information in Chapters 16, 17, and 22 of the book. (We strongly encourage you to read the entire book.)
As an additional resource, click here to download a sample of a traditional P&L and click here to download a sample CASH FLOW STATEMENT that has been formatted according to our long-standing recommendations. A CASH FLOW STATEMENT is a critical management tool while a P&L is primarily beneficial for tax purposes.
As always, if you have questions or comments, just let us know.
This is how you Summit.
Max Gotcher
214.762.3117 cell
[email protected]
Michael Abernathy, DDS
972.523.4660 cell
[email protected]