When things get bad, it’s normal for you to start blaming yourself or really grasping for answers. I especially see this with dentists and their teams. Facebook is rife with complaints about not being able to find competent long-term team members. Hygienists are at the top of that list according to the number of posts I read. Even ...
Read MoreOver and over, I get questions about DSOs from young doctors considering employment as well as doctor owners considering selling. Let’s take a quick look at the facts, current situation, and future possibilities. This will be based purely on interactions I have had with DSOs purchasing practices, the resulting doctor becoming an employee, ...
Read MoreI have included the interview questions we use with every doctor we hire or consider for a position in our offices. It is the culmination of decades of trial and error as well as the science of personality profiles and leadership competency. Don’t change a thing. Don’t leave out a question. Don’t take any short cuts. Just do it and ...
Read MoreYou may not realize it, but there is a tool that is too often forgotten (or never considered at all) that can be the start of taking back control of your practice and life. This strategy and word were never used prior to the early 1860’s. Its use today doesn’t carry the strong implication it had during its inception. Let me give you a little ...
Read MoreThe phone keeps ringing and, for about the last 6 months, every question posed by the caller has centered on the fact that it is hard to keep or find good staff members. It started from the day we reopened our business from the COVID shutdown last year and the hygienists decided that they were not going to work in dentistry as long as the ...
Read MoreMany things can hold you back. Most doctors are looking for the one thing that can turn their practices around. Like Tom Cruise and Jack Nicholson in A Few Good Men, most of these same doctors, “can’t handle the truth”. The person who asks but doesn’t really want the true answer will never get better. They want to put the blame on a lack ...
Read MoreToo often, I see doctors and their practices struggling to find a solution to overhead, productivity, and patient marketing and retention. In most cases, I see a high turn over of staff, few new patients and an out-of-control overhead spiral. The Doctors response is taking more continuing education to improve his clinical skills. As it turns out, ...
Read MoreThe phrase, what gets measured get done, is attributed to Peter Drucker decades ago, but is as valid today as when he coined the phrase. You might want to consider this as one of the top ten leadership habits in creating the practice you always wanted to have. This, being the start of a new challenging year, should create some phantom pressure to ...
Read MoreYep, it’s that time of the year again. One year ended and the next one under way. We weathered 10 months of a pandemic and the start of a financial recession along with a change in leadership in the White House in 2020. The next page is uncertain but a few things are likely to be on the agenda for the New Year. Taxes for each of you are going ...
Read MoreLooking back on the past six months of this year, there is nothing more important than the lessons we should have learned from the forced closures, the restart, and challenges coming back to finish strong with just three months to go. At the top of the list of things I should have learned but seem to be destined to repeat, is the “warm body ...
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