If you run a dental practice, you understand how difficult it can be to juggle everything you need to in order to be successful. You might have the patient care side of things all sewn up, but the details of running the business can be overwhelming.
Unfortunately, most dentists find it difficult to run a business and handle patient care at the same time. Support staff can assist greatly with the business side of the practice, but what could really benefit your business is dental office management software. Here are some of the ways that dental office management software can help to organize and provide dental practice growth to your business.
1. Dental management software allows staff to input appointment dates and times. All information is secured within a spreadsheet that is easy to read and change. Customizable colors, tabs, and views allow for easy access and organization. Also, alerts that detail missed appointments, changed dates, and other pertinent information can be set up.
2. Dental office management software helps to keep all patient information in a detailed database. Patient records meet HIPAA guidelines, and fields can be filled out easily by both dentists and receptionists. General health history, oral health details, and information about cleanings and treatments can all be placed in electronic files. Also, interactive diagrams of the teeth can be utilized to show patient specific dental information. All records are organized and stored under the patient’s name for easy access.
3. Dental office management software provides easy billing. Claims are filled out on the computer and bills are sent to insurance companies. Insurance details are placed in patient records, and an appropriate electronic file is sent to the provider for payment. The patient’s insurance plan and coverage information is stored as well so that both the patient and dentist know that service charges will be reimbursed by the insurance provider. Also, the software calculates and records patient copay payments.
4. Accounting software is built into the dental management system. This means that payroll can be calculated and employees can be paid. Also, vender information and invoices can be organized and sent out with payments. Business taxes are calculated with the software too, and quarterly tax information is detailed. Business profits, losses, and overhead costs are produced with the accounting software as well.