It seems like every time I read an article, somebody has something to sell us in the form of some great strategy. Just send them $199.00 or attend some thousand dollar seminar and they will reveal this closely kept secret guaranteed to turn your struggling practice into a top producing super star practice that everyone will envy and patients will ...
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That’s right, its half time. The “woulda’s, coulda’s, and shoulda’s” didn’t show up, so you and your practice didn’t keep that New Years Eve resolution to take your practice to the next level. Half the year is over and you have the opportunity to take it to the locker room and come out with a new strategy for the final half. ...
Read MoreSpeed and accuracy? Speed versus accuracy? Accurate speed? I was reading a shooting article that was going back and forth on whether one is more important than the other. I find that it has a very important lesson for Dentistry also. Most of my friends know I shoot. I shoot a lot. Read on. “Speed and accuracy: There are so many ...
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