For way too long I’ve seen offices struggle because no one has stepped up to lead the team. For the most part this should be the doctor. In Walt Kelly’s Pogo comic he states: “We have met the enemy and the enemy is us”. Through self-sabotage you end up being your own worst enemy. I have found that leadership always starts with you. The second thing you should realize is that if we are honest with ourselves, we’ll admit that the toughest person to lead is one looking back at us from the mirror. There are four keys to leadership that I would like you to consider and hopefully embrace.
- Great leaders have always been great followers first. Leaders who have never followed well, or submitted to authority, tend to be unrealistic, rigid, dictatorial, and a little prideful. When you decide to step up and change, always start with yourself.
- Few have ever done well without self-discipline. Developing this trait is key to leadership success. Character is driven by self-discipline. So understand that we are ultimately responsible for our actions and decisions. Pretty much, the buck stops with you.
- Most leaders struggle with being impatient. Remember that few things come quickly or are done perfectly the first time. Developing patience with your staff and practice growth is a difficult task, but a necessary trait.
- Seeking accountability is where I often see doctors self-sabotage their practices. Really good leaders know that they can’t always trust themselves. They understand that they are fallible, too. This trait of being accountable for your practice results regardless of the circumstances or distracting “noise” is key. Accountability is like rain. Everyone understands that we need it, but no one really wants to get wet.
If you think about it, Summit Practice Solutions creates the phantom pressure along with a consistent path to practice success. I received this kind email from a past client that was once again asking for our help. I hope you can see the culture that Summit has always tried to project and embrace.
“Our office manager Amy is putting our statistics together to send that includes June, which would make half a year. Hoping to make our office look a little better. We really dipped down after Dr._________ took staff and patients from us. We are getting back to where we once were. June was a Gross Production of $__________ and we are headed up by just reading your articles. We’re expecting to experience another burst working with you. Thank you for accepting us. I feel we are poised for more sustained growth following your model. I know that the “only constant is change” and you need to embrace it, but until I read about your perspective on the direction of Healthcare/Dentistry, I was falling behind. You are “right on” about so much, and it helps me get my head out of the sand. You’re refreshing, correct and SO relevant. I’m glad I rediscovered you. Wish I had partnered with you years ago. We are looking forward to our journey. We both need to be molded, and we know it will not be easy and all fun, but will be worth it in the end. A “new beginning”!
You amaze me! Kinda like “what planet are you from”? I sense you do all of your coaching to help and NOT for $$$. I am recognized for my big heart, but I am dwarfed by yours.”
We have thousands of doctors that receive these articles every month. I would love to hear from you. My phone number is at the bottom of every article as well as my email address. Make the effort to contact me and let’s talk about where you would like to take your practice. This is how you Summit.
Michael Abernathy, DDS
[email protected]
972-523-4660 cell