Mike and I really do love to get feedback from readers. This week, I’m going to share a few with you and hope that they will serve as an encouragement to other readers to go ahead and send us feedback from time to time.
First, from a reader in Michigan:
Hi Max and Mike, I’ve put off writing this until now. I hired a sister of my right hand dental assistant 9 1/2 years ago. When I hired her I knew it was wrong, but I did it anyway. No one to blame, but myself. So your “Energy Vampires” article comes across my email. I read it and had this employee make copies for everyone for a team meeting. After she read it she quit. All I want to know is why did it take u so long to write this piece? Merry Christmas
In case you missed the article(s) this doctor is referring to:
Next, a reader in Arizona submits great news from the ADA:
Hi Max,
Enjoyed your latest article “The Release” as always. If you haven’t already seen this, I thought you might find it interesting. Always curious to me the way organized dentistry wants to make it sound like we’re all just doing great and have nothing to be concerned about. I’m wondering who the people who wrote this article spoke with, and what world they were living in?
Coverage Of US News & World Report Best Occupation Ranking Continues.
In continuing coverage, the American Dental Association (1/15, Palmer) notes that US News & World Report named dentistry the number one occupation of 2015. The article adds that American Dental Education Association president Dr. Richard W. Valachovic said of the news, “Today’s students want it all. And dentistry really does deliver that. What other profession allows you to care for patients, make a good living, work as part of a team and have flexibility?” Moreover, “The U.S. News and World Report quoted Dr. Ada S. Cooper, an ADA consumer adviser, on the process of becoming a dentist and professional opportunities that ‘will find you – you won’t need to hunt them down,’” ADA News reports.
Link to The Release: https://summitpracticesolutions.com/?p=2373
And lastly, in reference to the same article mentioned above (The Release), a reader in Indiana sends along this great tip:
As always good advice. I look forward to this email over all the others we get. Having been on Peer review for over 30 years, I have had a chance to see it all. One thing Doctors may not realize is that your malpractice insurance does not want to pay a claim – they will do everything in their power to get this done. So they request your records first – not to defend you, but to see if they can find a way not to be involved. My advice that you try to get the pt to use Peer Review – if you win, you can use this in your defense (if the pt goes further into a civil suit). If you loose and pay the bill and the pt accepts – you are free from any future dealings with this case. Also, those records are sealed and the pt will not be able to use them in a civil suit.
Here’s a happy little tidbit I found recently in the Wall Street Journal. The next time a patient complains about your fees, just remember this:
Aetna has projected operating revenue for 2015 of at least $62 billion, with operating profit of at least $2.4 billion.
And that’s just one insurance company. The broker that takes care of the medical coverage for our staff at Summit told me recently that the insurance companies are overjoyed with Obamacare because they’re going to make a ton more profit. With the strength of the insurance industry lobby in Washington, I don’t see how we will ever get rid of it now.
Since this blog is entitled FEEDBACK, be sure you’re doing everything you can to get good, positive feedback from your patients. Good reviews on Google and other spots online are crucial to your efforts to make a good impression on prospective new patients. People looking for a new dental home definitely read these reviews and give them a lot of credibility (whether deserved or not). Remember: Perception is reality for most people. So be sure you are ASKING your patients to PLEASE go online and describe their experience with you and your team in your office. In addition to that, there is a simple, tried and true, low-tech method called the COMMENT CARD that you should definitely be using. Mike wrote about this a couple of years ago, but a refresher might be in order. Just follow the link below to read or reread the article and view a sample of the comment card.
This is how you Summit.
Max Gotcher
214-762-3117 cell
[email protected]